Limerick is Beautiful – lyrics and chords

The lyrics to Limerick is Beautiful are a tribute to the beauty of Ireland and Limerick in particular. The chords are presented here in the key of D major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys.


[D]Oh, Limerick is beauti[G]ful as ev’rybody [D]knows

And [G]by that city [D]of my heart how [D]proud old Shannon [A]flows

It [G]sweeps down by the [D]brave old town as [D]pure in depth and [A]tone

As when [D]Sarsfield the Saxons [G]from the walls of Gary [D]owen.


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‘Tis not for Limerick that I sigh, though I love her in my soul
Though times will change and friends will die and man will not control
No, not for friends long passed away, or days forever flown
But the maiden I adore, is sad in Garryowen.

Oh, she I love is beautiful, and world-wide is her fame
She dwells down by the rushing tide, and Eire is her name
And dearer than my very life her glances are to me
The light that guides my weary soul across life’s stormy sea.

I loved her in my boyhood and now in manhood’s noon
The vision of my life is still dry thy tears, aroon
I’d sing unto the tomb or dance beneath the gallows tree
To see her on the hills once more, proud, passionate and free.

Limerick is Beautiful lyrics and chords print version

[D]Oh, Limerick is beauti[G]ful as ev’rybody [D]knows
And [G]by that city [D]of my heart how [D]proud old Shannon [A]flows
It [G]sweeps down by the [D]brave old town as [D]pure in depth and [A]tone
As when [D]Sarsfield the Saxons [G]from the walls of Gary [D]owen.

‘Tis not for Limerick that I sigh, though I love her in my soul
Though times will change and friends will die and man will not control
No, not for friends long passed away, or days forever flown
But the maiden I adore, is sad in Garryowen.

Oh, she I love is beautiful, and world-wide is her fame
She dwells down by the rushing tide, and Eire is her name
And dearer than my very life her glances are to me
The light that guides my weary soul across life’s stormy sea.

I loved her in my boyhood and now in manhood’s noon
The vision of my life is still dry thy tears, aroon
I’d sing unto the tomb or dance beneath the gallows tree
To see her on the hills once more, proud, passionate and free.