Home Blog High Kings add their 21st century sparkle to Wild Rover

High Kings add their 21st century sparkle to Wild Rover

High Kings add their 21st century sparkle to Wild Rover

The High Kings added their modern-day sparkle to one of Ireland’s best-loved folk songs the Wild Rover.

The song has been famous on the trad scene for generations and has been performed by all manner of artists from around the world.

Perhaps the most famous version is that of the legendary band the Dubliners. Wild Rover is a true Irish favourite as it tells the story of a man pledging to end his reckless behaviour especially regarding drinking his life away.

It is a fun story with the man telling of all his troubles in alehouses in the past and vowing to put an end to his wild days.

The songs No Nay Never chant each chorus has made it a great tune for groups and audiences to singalong too.

The High Kings added their own style to the traditional song and had their audience delighted and clapping and singing along.

The band is packed with good trad music stock with Finbarr Clancy being the son of Bobby, one of the legendary Clancy Brothers, who had a big influence on a young Bob Dylan.

The High Kings did a great version of the Wild Rover, with their clean-cut image being in comical contrast to the grisly appearance of folk legends the Dubliners.

It is great that Irish music is being kept at the forefront of the industry and the next generation can enjoy the same good times and traditions of their ancestors.

New technology and the creativity of the modern-day performers allow them to breathe new life into some of our favourite folk tunes.

High Kings – folk ‘n roll for the 21st century
Wild Rover – the most widely performed Irish song?