Lyrics and chords as collected by Colm O Lochlainn
When [D]from sea first I landed with [A]roving in [C]mind,
Un[D]daunted I rambled my [A]true love to find.
There I [D]met pretty Susan with [A]cheeks like a [C]rose,
And her [A]bosom more [A7]fair than the [D]lily that grows.[A]
Her keen eyes did glitter like bright stars by night
And the robes she was wearing were costly and white
Her bare neck was shaded with her long raven hair
And they call her pretty Susan the pride of Kildare
Long time did I court her, till I wasted my store:
When her love turned to hatred because I was poor,
She said,”I love another whose portion I’ll share,
So begone from pretty Susan the pride of Kildare.”‘
Oh, my heart ached next morning as I lonely did stray
I espied pretty Susian with a young lord so gay,
And as I passed by them with my mind full of care,
I sighed for pretty Susan the pride of Kiildare.
Once more on the ocean I resolved for to go;
And was bound to the East with my heart full of woe,
Where I beheld ladies in jewels so rare,
But none like pretty Susan the pride of Kildare.
Sometimes I am jovial, sometimes I am sad,
Since my love she is courted by some other lad,
But since we’re at a distance no more I’ll despair,
So my blessing on Susan the pride of Kildare.