The chords to Air Fa La La Lo are presented in the key of G. The lyrics are about enjoying life.
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The song that I sing’s a song of laughter and love
There’s tang o’ the sea and blue from heaven above
Of reason there’s none, and why should there be forby?
With fire in the blood, and toe and a light in the eye
The heather’s ablaze with bloom the myrtle is sweet
There’s song in the air, the road’s a song at our feet
So step it along as light as a bird on the wing
And while we are stepping we join our voices and sing
And whether the blood be highland, lowland or no
And whether the skin be white or black as a sloe
Of kith and of kin where one be as right be as wrong
As long as our hearts be true to the lilt of a song
Lyrics and Chords
Air Fa La La Lo lyrics and chords print version
The song that I sing’s a song of laughter and love
There’s tang o’ the sea and blue from heaven above
Of reason there’s none, and why should there be forby?
With fire in the blood, and toe and a light in the eye
The heather’s ablaze with bloom the myrtle is sweet
There’s song in the air, the road’s a song at our feet
So step it along as light as a bird on the wing
And while we are stepping we join our voices and sing
And whether the blood be highland, lowland or no
And whether the skin be white or black as a sloe
Of kith and of kin where one be as right be as wrong
As long as our hearts be true to the lilt of a song
Lyrics and Chords