The chords to The Banks of the Roses are presented here in the key of D major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics are about a girl that goes against her father’s wishes and runs away with a rover.
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“When I was just a young girl I heard my father say
‘I’d sooner see you dead, my girl, and buried in the clay
Rather than be married to a roving runaway
On the lovely sweet banks of the roses'”.
Oh well now that I am a runaway and sure I’ll let you know
That I can take a bottle and drink with anyone
If her father doesn’t like me he can keep his daughter home
Then young Johnny will go roving with another.
If I ever get wedded ’twill be in the month of May
When the leaves they are green and the meadows they are gay
And me and my true love will sit and sport and play
By the lovely sweet banks of the roses.
The Banks of the Roses videos
The Banks of the Roses lyrics and chords
The Banks of the Roses lyrics and chords print version
“When I was just a young girl I heard my father say
‘I’d sooner see you dead, my girl, and buried in the clay
Rather than be married to a roving runaway
On the lovely sweet banks of the roses'”.
Oh well now that I am a runaway and sure I’ll let you know
That I can take a bottle and drink with anyone
If her father doesn’t like me he can keep his daughter home
Then young Johnny will go roving with another.
If I ever get wedded ’twill be in the month of May
When the leaves they are green and the meadows they are gay
And me and my true love will sit and sport and play
By the lovely sweet banks of the roses.
The Banks of the Roses videos
The Banks of the Roses lyrics and chords