The lyrics to The Bard of Armagh are about an old man reflecting on his life, as he knows death is not far away. The chords are presented here in the key of E major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys.
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When I was a young lad King Jamie did flourish
And I followed the wars in my brogues bound with straw
And all the fair colleens from Wexford to Durrish
Called me bold Phelim Bardy, the Bard of Armagh.
How I love for to muse on the days of my boyhood
Tho’ four score and three years have flitted since then
Still it gives sweet reflections, as every young joy should
For light-hearted boys make the best of old men.
At pattern or fair I could twist me shillelagh
Or trip through the jig with my brogues bound with straw
Whilst all the pretty maidens around me assembled
Loving bold Phelim Brady, the Bard of Armagh.
Although I have travelled this wide world over
Yet Erin’s a home and a parent to me
Then, oh, let the ground that my old bones shall cover
Be cut from the soil that is trod by the free.
And when Sergeant Death in his cold arms shall embrace me
Oh, lull me to sleep with ‘Erin go Bragh’
By the sideof my Kathleen, my youyng wife, oh place me
Then forget Phelim Brady, the Bard of Armagh.
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The Bard of Armagh lyrics and chords
The Bard of Armagh lyrics and chords print version
When I was a young lad King Jamie did flourish
And I followed the wars in my brogues bound with straw
And all the fair colleens from Wexford to Durrish
Called me bold Phelim Bardy, the Bard of Armagh.
How I love for to muse on the days of my boyhood
Tho’ four score and three years have flitted since then
Still it gives sweet reflections, as every young joy should
For light-hearted boys make the best of old men.
At pattern or fair I could twist me shillelagh
Or trip through the jig with my brogues bound with straw
Whilst all the pretty maidens around me assembled
Loving bold Phelim Brady, the Bard of Armagh.
Although I have travelled this wide world over
Yet Erin’s a home and a parent to me
Then, oh, let the ground that my old bones shall cover
Be cut from the soil that is trod by the free.
And when Sergeant Death in his cold arms shall embrace me
Oh, lull me to sleep with ‘Erin go Bragh’
By the sideof my Kathleen, my youyng wife, oh place me
Then forget Phelim Brady, the Bard of Armagh.
The Bard of Armagh videos
The Bard of Armagh lyrics and chords