The chords to The Bold Fenian Men is presented in the key of G. The lyrics were written by Michael Scanlan and are an ode to the rebels who fought for Irish freedom.
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We’ve men from the Nore, from the Suir and the Shannon
Let tyrants come forth, we’ll bring force against force
Our pen is the sword and our voice is the cannon
Rifle for rifle and horse against horse
We’ve made the false Saxon yield many a red battlefield
God on our side, we will triumph again;
Oh pay them back woe for woe, give them back blow for blow
Out and make way for the bold Fenian Men
Side by side for the cause have our forefathers battled
Where our hills never echo’d the tread of a slave
On many green hills where the leaden hail rattled
Through the red gap of glory they marched to their grave
And those who inherit their name and their spirit
Will march ‘neath the banners of Liberty then
And all who love Saxon law, native or Sassenach
Out and make way for the bold Fenian Men
Our prayer and our tears have been scoffed and derided
They’ve set out God’s sunlight from spirit and mind
Our foes were united and we were divided
We met and they scattered us all to the wind
But once more returning, within our veins burning
The fires that illuminate dark Aherlow glen
We raise the old cry anew, slogan of Con and Hugh
Out and make way for the bold Fenian Men
Lyrics and Chords
The Bold Fenian Men print version
[G]Oh see who comes [Em]over the [C]red blossomed
We’ve men from the Nore, from the Suir and the Shannon
Let tyrants come forth, we’ll bring force against force
Our pen is the sword and our voice is the cannon
Rifle for rifle and horse against horse
We’ve made the false Saxon yield many a red battlefield
God on our side, we will triumph again;
Oh pay them back woe for woe, give them back blow for blow
Out and make way for the bold Fenian Men
Side by side for the cause have our forefathers battled
Where our hills never echo’d the tread of a slave
On many green hills where the leaden hail rattled
Through the red gap of glory they marched to their grave
And those who inherit their name and their spirit
Will march ‘neath the banners of Liberty then
And all who love Saxon law, native or Sassenach
Out and make way for the bold Fenian Men
Our prayer and our tears have been scoffed and derided
They’ve set out God’s sunlight from spirit and mind
Our foes were united and we were divided
We met and they scattered us all to the wind
But once more returning, within our veins burning
The fires that illuminate dark Aherlow glen
We raise the old cry anew, slogan of Con and Hugh
Out and make way for the bold Fenian Men
Lyrics and Chords