The chords to The Bold O’Donoghue are presented in the key of G. The lyrics are about a confident young man who believes he is the object of affection for all the girls in Keady town.
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For I’m the boy to please her and I’m the boy to tease her
I’m the boy can squeeze her and I’ll you what I’ll do
I’ll court her like an Irishman, with me brogue and blarney to
With me rollikin, swollikin, dollikin,wollikin bold O’Donoghue
I wish me love was a red red rose growing on yonder wall
And me to be a dewdrop and upon her brow I’d fall
Perhaps now she might think of me as rather heavy dew
No more she’d love that handsome lad they call O’Donoghue
I hear that Queen Victoria has a daughter fine and grand
Perhaps she’ll take it into her head for to marry an Irishman
And if I could only get a chance to have a word or two
Perhaps she’d take a notion in the bold O’Donoghue
Lyrics and Chords
The Bold O’Donoghue lyrics and chords print version
For I’m the boy to please her and I’m the boy to tease her
I’m the boy can squeeze her and I’ll you what I’ll do
I’ll court her like an Irishman, with me brogue and blarney to
With me rollikin, swollikin, dollikin,wollikin bold O’Donoghue
I wish me love was a red red rose growing on yonder wall
And me to be a dewdrop and upon her brow I’d fall
Perhaps now she might think of me as rather heavy dew
No more she’d love that handsome lad they call O’Donoghue
I hear that Queen Victoria has a daughter fine and grand
Perhaps she’ll take it into her head for to marry an Irishman
And if I could only get a chance to have a word or two
Perhaps she’d take a notion in the bold O’Donoghue
Lyrics and Chords