The chords to Botany Bay are presented in the key of G. The lyrics are abut an Irish labourer who is dreaming of emigrating to Australia where he will dig for gold.
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The boss came up this morning, he says “Well, Pat you know
If you don’t get your navvys out, I’m afraid you’ll have to go”
So I asked him for my wages and demanded all my pay
For I told him straight I would emigrate to the shores of Botany Bay
And when I reach Australia I’ll go in search for gold
There’s plenty there for digging or so I have been told
Or else I’ll go back to my trade and a hundred bricks I’ll lay
Because I live for an eight hour shift on the shores of Botany Bay
Lyrics and Chords
Botany Bay lyrics and chords print version
The boss came up this morning, he says “Well, Pat you know
If you don’t get your navvys out, I’m afraid you’ll have to go”
So I asked him for my wages and demanded all my pay
For I told him straight I would emigrate to the shores of Botany Bay
And when I reach Australia I’ll go in search for gold
There’s plenty there for digging or so I have been told
Or else I’ll go back to my trade and a hundred bricks I’ll lay
Because I live for an eight hour shift on the shores of Botany Bay
Lyrics and Chords