The chords to The Boys of Fair Hill presented here in the key of G major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics are a song of pride and victory for the people of Cork and in particular their hurling club.
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Come on boys, spend a day with our Harrier Club so gay
The cry of hounds it will make your heart thrill
And when you hear Connie Doyle say: “The Armoured Car has won today”
“Here’s up ’em all,” say the boys of Fair Hill.
First you go to Fahy’s well for a drink of pure, clear water
The finest spot on earth sure the angels do say
Where thousands come across the foam, just to view the Blarney Stone
Which can be seen from the groves of Fair Hill.
First you go to Quinlan’s pub – that is where you join our club
Where round us in gallons the porter does flow
First they tap half-a-tierce and drink a health to Dashwood’s race
“That’s the stuff to give ’em,” say the boys of Fair Hill.
Come on boys and spend a day with our hurling club so gay
The clash of the ash it will make your heart thrill
The Rockies thought that they were stars, till they met the Saint Finbarr’s
“Here’s up ’em all,” say the boys of Fair Hill.
The Boys of Fair Hill videos
The Boys of Fair Hill lyrics and chords
The Boys of Fair Hill lyrics and chords print version
Come on boys, spend a day with our Harrier Club so gay
The cry of hounds it will make your heart thrill
And when you hear Connie Doyle say: “The Armoured Car has won today”
“Here’s up ’em all,” say the boys of Fair Hill.
First you go to Fahy’s well for a drink of pure, clear water
The finest spot on earth sure the angels do say
Where thousands come across the foam, just to view the Blarney Stone
Which can be seen from the groves of Fair Hill.
First you go to Quinlan’s pub – that is where you join our club
Where round us in gallons the porter does flow
First they tap half-a-tierce and drink a health to Dashwood’s race
“That’s the stuff to give ’em,” say the boys of Fair Hill.
Come on boys and spend a day with our hurling club so gay
The clash of the ash it will make your heart thrill
The Rockies thought that they were stars, till they met the Saint Finbarr’s
“Here’s up ’em all,” say the boys of Fair Hill.
The Boys of Fair Hill videos
The Boys of Fair Hill lyrics and chords