Home Brian O’Linn lyrics and chords

Brian O’Linn lyrics and chords

The chords to Brian O’Lynn are presented here in the key of G Major. The lyrics tell the tale of a man who is hard on his luck but continues to see the bright side of any situation.

Use our chord converter to plays the song in other keys.

Brian O’ Linn had no breeches to wear
He got him a sheepskin to make him a  
With the  
fleshy side  
out and the  
woolly side  
“They’ll be  
pleasant and  
cool.” says  

Brian O’Linn

Click here for print version

Chord Converter
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Brian O’Linn had no shirt on his back
He went to a neighbour’s and borrowed a sack
Then he puckered the mealbag in under his chin
‘Sure they’ll take them for ruffles’ says Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn was hard up for a coat
So he borrowed a skin of a neighbouring goat
With the horns sticking out from his oxters and then
‘Sure they’ll take them for pistols’ says Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn had no hat to put on,
So he got an old beaver to make him a one
There was none of the crown left and less of the brim
“Sure there’s fine ventilation” said Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn to his house had no door
He’d the sky for a roof and the bog for a floor
He’d a way to jump out and a way to swim in
“’Tis a fine habitation” said Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn went a-courting one night
He set both the mother and daughter to fight
To fight for his hand they both stripped to the skin
‘Sure I’ll marry you both’ says Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn and his wife and wife’s mother
Were all going home o’er the bridge together
The bridge it broke down and they all tumbled in
‘We’ll go home by water’ says Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn and his wife and wife’s mother
They all lay down in the one bed together
The night it was cold and the blankets were thin
‘Sure I’ll sleep in the middle,’ said Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn
Lyrics and Chords

Brian O’Linn print version

Brian O’ Linn had no breeches to wear
He got him a sheepskin to make him a  
With the  
fleshy side  
out and the  
woolly side  
“They’ll be  
pleasant and  
cool.” says  

Brian O’Linn had no shirt on his back
He went to a neighbour’s and borrowed a sack
Then he puckered the mealbag in under his chin
‘Sure they’ll take them for ruffles’ says Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn was hard up for a coat
So he borrowed a skin of a neighbouring goat
With the horns sticking out from his oxters and then
‘Sure they’ll take them for pistols’ says Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn had no hat to put on,
So he got an old beaver to make him a one
There was none of the crown left and less of the brim
“Sure there’s fine ventilation” said Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn to his house had no door
He’d the sky for a roof and the bog for a floor
He’d a way to jump out and a way to swim in
“’Tis a fine habitation” said Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn went a-courting one night
He set both the mother and daughter to fight
To fight for his hand they both stripped to the skin
‘Sure I’ll marry you both’ says Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn and his wife and wife’s mother
Were all going home o’er the bridge together
The bridge it broke down and they all tumbled in
‘We’ll go home by water’ says Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn and his wife and wife’s mother
They all lay down in the one bed together
The night it was cold and the blankets were thin
‘Sure I’ll sleep in the middle,’ said Brian O’Linn

Brian O’Linn
Lyrics and Chords