The lyrics of Carrigdhoun are a reflective look at the beauty of Carrigdhoun. The chords are presented below in the key of F major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys.
On Carrigdhoun the heath is brown
The clouds is dark o’er Ardnalee
And many a stream comes rushing down
To swell the angry Own-na-Buidhe.
The moaning blast is sweeping past
Through many a leafless tree
And I’m alone, for he is gone,
My hawk has flown, ochone mo chroidhe.
Chord Converter
Our chord converter enables you to play this song in any key.
Soft April showers and bright May flowers
Will bring the summer back again.
But will they bring me back the hours
I spent with my brave Donal then
There’s but a chance – he’s gone to France,
To wear the Fleur-de-Lis.
But I’ll follow you, my Donal Dhu,
For still I’m true to you mo chroidhe.
Carrigdhoun videos
Carrigdhoun lyrics and chords
Carrigdhoun lyrics and chords print version
On Carrigdhoun the heath is brown
The clouds is dark o’er Ardnalee
And many a stream comes rushing down
To swell the angry Own-na-Buidhe.
The moaning blast is sweeping past
Through many a leafless tree
And I’m alone, for he is gone,
My hawk has flown, ochone mo chroidhe.
Soft April showers and bright May flowers
Will bring the summer back again.
But will they bring me back the hours
I spent with my brave Donal then
There’s but a chance – he’s gone to France,
To wear the Fleur-de-Lis.
But I’ll follow you, my Donal Dhu,
For still I’m true to you mo chroidhe.
Carrigdhoun videos
Carrigdhoun lyrics and chords