The chords to Dunlavin Green are presented in the key of Em. The lyrics are about 36 Yeomen who were imprisoned and killed during the 1798 Irish Rebellion. They were led to Dunvalin Village Green and executed on 26th May 1798.
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Woe to you, Saunders; disgrace me you never shall
That the tears of the widows may melt you like snow before the sun
Those fatherless orphans! Their cries nor moans can’t be screened
For the loss of their fathers, who were shot upon Dunlavin Green
Quite easy they led us as prisoners through the town
Like lambs to the slaughter on the plain we were forced to kneel down
Such sorrow and terror were never before there seen
To see the blood run in streams down the dykes of Dunlavin Green
Some of our heroes are ‘listed and gone far away
There are some of them dead, and some crossing the sea
As for poor Andy Ryan, his mother distracted has been
For the loss of her son, who was shot upon Dunlavin Green
As for Andy Farrell, I’m sure he has cause to complain
And likewise the two Duffys, I’m sure they may well do the same
Dwyer on the mountain to the Orange he owes a great spleen
For the loss of his comrades, who were shot upon Dunlavin Green
That we may live happy the joyful tidings to hear
When we will have satisfaction for the murders they did that year
There were thirty-six heroes, both clever and rare to be seen
Both loyal and united, shot one day on Dunlavin Green
Now to conclude and finish my mournful tale
I hope all good Christains to pray for their souls will not fail
Their souls in white pigeons a-flying to heaven were seen
On the very same day they were shot upon Dunlavin Green
Lyrics and Chords
Dunlavin Green lyrics and chords print version
Woe to you, Saunders; disgrace me you never shall
That the tears of the widows may melt you like snow before the sun
Those fatherless orphans! Their cries nor moans can’t be screened
For the loss of their fathers, who were shot upon Dunlavin Green
Quite easy they led us as prisoners through the town
Like lambs to the slaughter on the plain we were forced to kneel down
Such sorrow and terror were never before there seen
To see the blood run in streams down the dykes of Dunlavin Green
Some of our heroes are ‘listed and gone far away
There are some of them dead, and some crossing the sea
As for poor Andy Ryan, his mother distracted has been
For the loss of her son, who was shot upon Dunlavin Green
As for Andy Farrell, I’m sure he has cause to complain
And likewise the two Duffys, I’m sure they may well do the same
Dwyer on the mountain to the Orange he owes a great spleen
For the loss of his comrades, who were shot upon Dunlavin Green
That we may live happy the joyful tidings to hear
When we will have satisfaction for the murders they did that year
There were thirty-six heroes, both clever and rare to be seen
Both loyal and united, shot one day on Dunlavin Green
Now to conclude and finish my mournful tale
I hope all good Christains to pray for their souls will not fail
Their souls in white pigeons a-flying to heaven were seen
On the very same day they were shot upon Dunlavin Green
Lyrics and Chords