The chords to Eileen Aroon are presented in the key of A. The lyrics are about a young lady, Eileen Aroon, who is the ‘fairest gem’.
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Is it the laughing eye, Eileen Aroon
Is it the timid sigh, Eileen Aroon
Is it the tender tone, soft as the string’d harp’s moan
Oh, it is truth alone, Eileen Aroon
When like the rising day, Eileen Aroon
Love sends his early ray, Eileen Aroon
What makes his dawning glow, changeless through joy or woe
Only the constant know, Eileen Aroon
I knew a valley fair, Eileen Aroon
I knew a cottage there, Eileen Aroon
Far in that valley’s shade, I knew a gentle maid
Flower of hazel glade, Eileen Aroon
Lyrics and Chords
Eileen Aroon lyrics and chords print version
Is it the laughing eye, Eileen Aroon
Is it the timid sigh, Eileen Aroon
Is it the tender tone, soft as the string’d harp’s moan
Oh, it is truth alone, Eileen Aroon
When like the rising day, Eileen Aroon
Love sends his early ray, Eileen Aroon
What makes his dawning glow, changeless through joy or woe
Only the constant know, Eileen Aroon
I knew a valley fair, Eileen Aroon
I knew a cottage there, Eileen Aroon
Far in that valley’s shade, I knew a gentle maid
Flower of hazel glade, Eileen Aroon
Lyrics and Chords