The chords to Erin’s Lovely Home are presented here in the key of D minor. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics tell a story of a young man that runs away with his bosses daughter, only to find himself thrown in jail.
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The reason that he banished me I mean to let you know
‘Tis true I loved his daughter, and she loved me also.
She had a princely fortune, of riches I had none
So that is why he banished me from Erin’s lovely home.
‘Twas in her father’s garden, all in the month of June
When everything was pleasant, and flowers all in bloom.
She said: “My dearest Willie, if along with me you’ll roam
You need not fret for those who you left in Erin’s lovely home.”
That very day i gave consent that proved my overthrow
Far from her father’s dwelling along with her I did go.
The night was bright with the moonlight as we set out alone
We thought we had got safe away from Erin’s lovely home.
When we arrived in Belfast town all by the break of day
She said: “Prepare, my jewel, our passage for to pay.”
Five hundred pounds she counted down, saying: “That will be your own
So never fret for those you left in Erin’s lovely home.”
Now to my great misfortune, I mean to let you hear
It was in three days after that her father did appear.
He brought me back to Omagh jail, in the County of Tyrone
From that I was transported from Erin’s lovely home.
When I received my sentence, it grieved my heart full sore
The parting from my own true love it grieved me ten times more.
There are seven links upon my chain, and every link a year
Before I can return again to the arms of my dear.
When the coach it came to the jail-yard to take us all away
My true love she came up to me, and thus to me did say
“Cheer up, my dearest Willie, for you I’ll not disown
Until you do return again to Erin’s lovely home.”
Erin’s Lovely Home videos
Erin’s Lovely Home lyrics and chords
The Irish Girl lyrics and chords print version
The reason that he banished me I mean to let you know
‘Tis true I loved his daughter, and she loved me also.
She had a princely fortune, of riches I had none
So that is why he banished me from Erin’s lovely home.
‘Twas in her father’s garden, all in the month of June
When everything was pleasant, and flowers all in bloom.
She said: “My dearest Willie, if along with me you’ll roam
You need not fret for those who you left in Erin’s lovely home.”
That very day i gave consent that proved my overthrow
Far from her father’s dwelling along with her I did go.
The night was bright with the moonlight as we set out alone
We thought we had got safe away from Erin’s lovely home.
When we arrived in Belfast town all by the break of day
She said: “Prepare, my jewel, our passage for to pay.”
Five hundred pounds she counted down, saying: “That will be your own
So never fret for those you left in Erin’s lovely home.”
Now to my great misfortune, I mean to let you hear
It was in three days after that her father did appear.
He brought me back to Omagh jail, in the County of Tyrone
From that I was transported from Erin’s lovely home.
When I received my sentence, it grieved my heart full sore
The parting from my own true love it grieved me ten times more.
There are seven links upon my chain, and every link a year
Before I can return again to the arms of my dear.
When the coach it came to the jail-yard to take us all away
My true love she came up to me, and thus to me did say
“Cheer up, my dearest Willie, for you I’ll not disown
Until you do return again to Erin’s lovely home.”
Erin’s Lovely Home videos
Erin’s Lovely Home lyrics and chords