The lyrics to Fare Thee Well Enniskillen tell the story of a man saying goodbye to his love and his country, knowing he may never see them again, as he goes off to war to fight. The chords are presented here in the key of D major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys.
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Her hair is as brown as the young raven’s wing
Her eyes are as clear as the blue-bell of spring
And light was her laugh like the sun on the sea
Till the weight of the world came between her and me.
Oh, what can a man do when the world is his foe
And the look of her people fall on him like snow
But bend the brow boldly and go away far
To follow good fortune and get home in the war.
If the worst comes to worse, sure ’tis only to die
And the true lass that loves me, can hold her head high
Can hold her head high, though the fond heart may break
For her lover lived bravely and died for her sake.
Fare Thee Well Enniskillen videos
Fare Thee Well Enniskillen lyrics and chords
Fare Thee Well Enniskillen lyrics and chords print version
Her hair is as brown as the young raven’s wing
Her eyes are as clear as the blue-bell of spring
And light was her laugh like the sun on the sea
Till the weight of the world came between her and me.
Oh, what can a man do when the world is his foe
And the look of her people fall on him like snow
But bend the brow boldly and go away far
To follow good fortune and get home in the war.
If the worst comes to worse, sure ’tis only to die
And the true lass that loves me, can hold her head high
Can hold her head high, though the fond heart may break
For her lover lived bravely and died for her sake.
Fare Thee Well Enniskillen videos
Fare Thee Well Enniskillen lyrics and chords