The Green Fields of America lyrics and chords

The chords to The Green Fields of America are presented in the key of C. They lyrics are about Irish emigrants heading for America and Canada.

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[chordsandlyrics][C]Our ship is now waiting her [Am]anchor she’s weighing
Fare[F]well to the [Am]land that [Em]I’m going to [Am]leave
My Betsy has parted with [C]father and [Am]mother
With me for to [Em]cross o’er the [F]wide western [C]wave[/chordsandlyrics]

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So hasten dear Betsy, my dear blue eyed lassie
Bid farewell to your mother and come along with me
I’ll do my endeavour to make your heart cheery
Till we reach the green fields of Americay

There’s brandy in Quebec at just tenpence a quart boys
There’s gin in New Brunswick at a penny a glass
There’s rum in the town that they call Montreal
And we will drink hearty each one as we pass!

So cheer up your hearts all you lads and young lasses
There’s gold here among us and lots of it too
Success to the hearts that have courage to venture
Misfortune to him or to her that would rue

Farewell to the groves of the sweet County Wicklow
Likewise to the girls of old Erin around
May their hearts be as merry as ever I wish them
Although far away on the ocean I’m bound

And if ever it happens in some foreign climate
That a poor friendless Irishman should come in my way
With the best I can give him I’ll make him right welcome
In my own habitation in Americay

The Green Fields of America lyrics and chords print version

[C]Our ship is now waiting her [Am]anchor she’s weighing
Fare[F]well to the [Am]land that [Em]I’m going to [Am]leave
My Betsy has parted with [C]father and [Am]mother
With me for to [Em]cross o’er the [F]wide western [C]wave

So hasten dear Betsy, my dear blue eyed lassie
Bid farewell to your mother and come along with me
I’ll do my endeavour to make your heart cheery
Till we reach the green fields of Americay

There’s brandy in Quebec at just tenpence a quart boys
There’s gin in New Brunswick at a penny a glass
There’s rum in the town that they call Montreal
And we will drink hearty each one as we pass!

So cheer up your hearts all you lads and young lasses
There’s gold here among us and lots of it too
Success to the hearts that have courage to venture
Misfortune to him or to her that would rue

Farewell to the groves of the sweet County Wicklow
Likewise to the girls of old Erin around
May their hearts be as merry as ever I wish them
Although far away on the ocean I’m bound

And if ever it happens in some foreign climate
That a poor friendless Irishman should come in my way
With the best I can give him I’ll make him right welcome
In my own habitation in Americay