Green Grows the Laurel – lyrics and chords

The chords to Green Grows the Laurel are presented here in the key of G major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics are about a woman broken hearted, as she has lost the man she loves.


[G]Once I’d a true love but now I have none

And since he has left me I [D7]sigh all alone

But [G]since he has left me con[Am]tented I’ll [C]be

For [G]he loves another far [D7]better than [G]me.


[G]So green grows the laurels and soft falls the dew

And sorrow was mine, love, when [D7]parting from you

But [G]at our next meeting our [Am]joys we’ll re[C]new

And [G]we’ll change the green laurel to [D7]red, white and [G]blue.



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Green Grows the Laurel lyrics and chords

Green Grows the Laurel lyrics and chords print version

[G]Once I’d a true love but now I have none
And since he has left me I [D7]sigh all alone
But [G]since he has left me con[Am]tented I’ll [C]be
For [G]he loves another far [D7]better than [G]me.


[G]So green grows the laurels and soft falls the dew
And sorrow was mine, love, when [D7]parting from you
But [G]at our next meeting our [Am]joys we’ll re[C]new
And [G]we’ll change the green laurel to [D7]red, white and [G]blue.

I wrote him a letter in red rosy lines
He sent me an answer all twisted and twined
Saying: “Keep your love letter and I will keep mine
And write to your true love and I’ll write to mine.”


I pass my love’s window both early and late
The looks that he gives me my poor heart will break
The looks that he gives me a thousand would kill
Though he hates and detests me, yet I love him still.


Green Grows the Laurel videos
Green Grows the Laurel lyrics and chords