Home Highland Paddy lyrics and chords

Highland Paddy lyrics and chords

The chords to Highland Paddy are presented in the key of G. The lyrics are about a young man whose hero was a noble captain who died fighting for Irish freedom.


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[chordsandlyrics]One eve[G]ning fair as the [D]sun was [G]setting to Kilkenny I did ride
[C]I did [G]meet with [D]Captain [Em]Brady, a [Am]tall commander [D]by his side
“Then you are [G]welcome [D]Highland [G]Paddy by my side you’ll surely stand
[C]Hear the [G]people [D]shout for [Em]freedom! We’ll [Am]rise in the morning with the [D]Fenian band,
[Am]Rise in the morning with the [D]Fenian band.”[/chordsandlyrics]

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And in the morning we rose early, just before the break of dawn
Blackbirds singing in the bushes, greeting to a smiling morn
Gather round me men of Ireland, all ye Fenians gather round
Hand to hand with sword and musket, spill the blood upon this holy ground

There is a glen beside the river, just outside Kilkenny town
There we met this noble captain, men lay dying upon the ground
There is a grave down by the river, a mile outside Kilkenny town
There we laid our noble Captain, birds were silent when this Fenian died

For all my life I will remember, I’ll remember night and day
That once I rode into Kilkenny, and I heard this noble captain say

Lyrics and Chords

Highland Paddy lyrics and chords print version

One eve[G]ning fair as the [D]sun was [G]setting to Kilkenny I did ride
[C]I did [G]meet with [D]Captain [Em]Brady, a [Am]tall commander [D]by his side
“Then you are [G]welcome [D]Highland [G]Paddy by my side you’ll surely stand
[C]Hear the [G]people [D]shout for [Em]freedom! We’ll [Am]rise in the morning with the [D]Fenian band,
[Am]Rise in the morning with the [D]Fenian band.”

And in the morning we rose early, just before the break of dawn
Blackbirds singing in the bushes, greeting to a smiling morn
Gather round me men of Ireland, all ye Fenians gather round
Hand to hand with sword and musket, spill the blood upon this holy ground

There is a glen beside the river, just outside Kilkenny town
There we met this noble captain, men lay dying upon the ground
There is a grave down by the river, a mile outside Kilkenny town
There we laid our noble Captain, birds were silent when this Fenian died

For all my life I will remember, I’ll remember night and day
That once I rode into Kilkenny, and I heard this noble captain say

Lyrics and Chords