The chords to The Hills of Donegal presented here in the key of D major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics are about a man looking back fondly at the beauty of his native Donegal, having being forced to emigrate from Ireland.
[D]Oh, night and day I’m dreaming of the Hills of [G]Done[D]gal
The [G]heather on the [D]hillside and the [Bm]sunshine over [A]all
And it’s [F#m]westward I’d be [Bm]going a[A]cross the ocean [D]blue
To [Dm]wake a[E7]gain the [A]happy hours that [E7]long ago I [A7]knew.
That [F#m]long a[E7]go I [A7]knew!
Oh [D]Hills [G]of Done[D]gal, to me you ever call
In [F#m]ev’rywind that [A]wanders o’er the wide and [E7]lonely [A7]sea
And [D]please God, if [G]He so wills, soon I’ll see my [D]Irish hills
The Hills of [Bm]Donegal so [D]dear [A7]to [D]me.
Chord Converter
Our chord converter enables you to play this song in any key.
I mind the laughing valleys that look up at dawn of day
To watch the dawn light creeping o’er the rugged crests of grey
And I mind the linnets trilling when the dark clouds lift and go
And the grey hills send the sunshine to the waiting hearts below
To the waiting hearts below.
The Hills of Donegal videos
Brennan on the Moor lyrics and chords
The Hills of Donegal lyrics and chords print version
[D]Oh, night and day I’m dreaming of the Hills of [G]Done[D]gal
The [G]heather on the [D]hillside and the [Bm]sunshine over [A]all
And it’s [F#m]westward I’d be [Bm]going a[A]cross the ocean [D]blue
To [Dm]wake a[E7]gain the [A]happy hours that [E7]long ago I [A7]knew.
That [F#m]long a[E7]go I [A7]knew!
Oh [D]Hills [G]of Done[D]gal, to me you ever call
In [F#m]ev’ry wind that [A]wanders o’er the wide and [E7]lonely [A7]sea
And [D]please God, if [G]He so wills, soon I’ll see my [D]Irish hills
The Hills of [Bm]Donegal so [D]dear [A7]to [D]me.
I mind the laughing valleys that look up at dawn of day
To watch the dawn light creeping o’er the rugged crests of grey
And I mind the linnets trilling when the dark clouds lift and go
And the grey hills send the sunshine to the waiting hearts below
To the waiting hearts below.
The Hills of Donegal videos
The Hills of Donegal lyrics and chords