The Hills of Kerry – lyrics and chords

The chords to The Hills of Kerry are presented here in the key of D major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics describe the pain and sadness a man feels as he has to leave Ireland.



[D]The palm trees wave on [Bm]high

All a[Em]long the [A]fertile [D]shore

Adieu the hills of Kerry

I’ll [Bm]ne’er see [G]you no [A7]more.

[D]Why did I leave my [Bm]home?

[Em]Why did I [A]cross the [D]sea?

And leave the sweet birds [Bm]singing

A[D]round you [A]sweet Tra[D]lee.



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The noble and the brave
Have departed from our shore
They’ve gone off to a foreign land
Where the mighty canyons roar.
No more they’ll see the shamrock
Or the hills so dear to me
Or hear the small birds singing
All around you, sweet Tralee.

Chord Converterguitar
Our chord converter enables you to play this song in any key.


No more the sun will shine
On that blessed harvest morn
Or hear the reaper singing
In the fields of golden corn.
There’s a balm for every woe
And a cure for every pain
But the pretty smile of my darling girl
I’ll never see again.


The Hills of Kerry videos
The Hills of Kerry lyrics and chords

The Hills of Kerry lyrics and chords print version


[D]The palm trees wave on [Bm]high
All a[Em]long the [A]fertile [D]shore
Adieu the hills of Kerry
I’ll [Bm]ne’er see [G]you no [A7]more.
[D]Why did I leave my [Bm]home?
[Em]Why did I [A]cross the [D]sea?
And leave the sweet birds [Bm]singing
A[D]round you [A]sweet Tra[D]lee.

The noble and the brave
Have departed from our shore
They’ve gone off to a foreign land
Where the mighty canyons roar.
No more they’ll see the shamrock
Or the hills so dear to me
Or hear the small birds singing
All around you, sweet Tralee.


No more the sun will shine
On that blessed harvest morn
Or hear the reaper singing
In the fields of golden corn.
There’s a balm for every woe
And a cure for every pain
But the pretty smile of my darling girl
I’ll never see again.


The Hills of Kerry videos
The Hills of Kerry lyrics and chords