Home by Bearna lyrics and chords

Home by Bearna is often known as In Scartaglan There Lived a lass. The chords are presented in the key of Am. The lyrics are about a couple ruling out various ways to travel home from church and deciding to go home by Bearna.


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[chordsandlyrics]In [Am]Scartaglen there lived a lass and [G]every Sunday after mass
[Am]She would go and take a glass be[G]fore going home by [Am]Bearna

We won’t go home along the road for [G]fear that you might act the rogue
[Am]Won’t go home along the road [G]we’ll go home by [Am]Bearna[/chordsandlyrics]

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We won’t go home across the fields the big thornins could stick in your heels
We won’t go home across the fields we’ll go home by Bearna
We won’t go home around the glen for fear your blood might rise again
We won’t go home around the glen, but we’ll go home by Bearna

We won’t go down the milk boreen, the night is bright we might be seen
We won’t go down the milk boreen, but we’ll go home by Bearna
We won’t go home across the bog in fear we might meet Kearney’s dog
We won’t go home across the bog, but we’ll go home by Bearna

Lyrics and Chords

Home by Bearna lyrics and chords print version

In [Am]Scartaglen there lived a lass and [G]every Sunday after mass
[Am]She would go and take a glass be[G]fore going home by [Am]Bearna

We won’t go home along the road for [G]fear that you might act the rogue
[Am]Won’t go home along the road [G]we’ll go home by [Am]Bearna

We won’t go home across the fields the big thornins could stick in your heels
We won’t go home across the fields we’ll go home by Bearna
We won’t go home around the glen for fear your blood might rise again
We won’t go home around the glen, but we’ll go home by Bearna

We won’t go down the milk boreen, the night is bright we might be seen
We won’t go down the milk boreen, but we’ll go home by Bearna
We won’t go home across the bog in fear we might meet Kearney’s dog
We won’t go home across the bog, but we’ll go home by Bearna

Lyrics and Chords