The lyrics to Hot Asphalt tell a comical story about a policeman falling into some boiling hot asphalt. The chords are presented here in the key of E minor. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys.
[Em]Ah, it’s likelt gone six months ago since I [G]came to Dublin [D]town
Where I [Em]joined a gang of lab’ring men who [D]laid the asphalt down
Sure [Em]now I wear a guernsey and [G]around me waist a [D]belt
I’m the [E]gaffer [D]of the [G]boys who [D]make the [Em]hot asphalt.
So you may [G]talk about your soldiers, your sailors and the rest
Your [Em]tailors, your shoemakers to [D]please the ladies best
But the [Em]divil a one of them has got the [G]graisy hearts to [D]melt
Like the [Em]boys a[D]round the [G]boiler, [D]making the [Em]hot asphalt.
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Well one day a copper comes up to me
And he says to me ‘McGuire
Will you kindly let me warm myself
Around your boiling fire?’
Then he turned around to the boiler
And upon the edge he knelt
And he toppled right into the boiler full of
Hot Asphalt.
Well we quickly pulled him out of it
And we put him in a tub
And with soap and lots of heated water
We did rub and scrub.
But the divil a bit of tar came off
It was stuck on just like a stone
And every time we gave a rub
You could hear the poor man groan.
With the boilin’ and the wettin’
He caught a bloomin’ cold
And for scientific purposes
His body has been sold.
Inside the National Museum now
He’s a-hanging by the belt
As an example of the dire effects on the
Hot Asphalt.
Hot Asphalt videos
Hot Asphalt lyrics and chords
Hot Asphalt lyrics and chords print version
[Em]Ah, it’s likelt gone six months ago since I [G]came to Dublin [D]town
Where I [Em]joined a gang of lab’ring men who [D]laid the asphalt down
Sure [Em]now I wear a guernsey and [G]around me waist a [D]belt
I’m the [E]gaffer [D]of the [G]boys who [D]make the [Em]hot asphalt.
So you may [G]talk about your soldiers, your sailors and the rest
Your [Em]tailors, your shoemakers to [D]please the ladies best
But the [Em]divil a one of them has got the [G]graisy hearts to [D]melt
Like the [Em]boys a[D]round the [G]boiler, [D]making the [Em]hot asphalt.
Well one day a copper comes up to me
And he says to me ‘McGuire
Will you kindly let me warm myself
Around your boiling fire?’
Then he turned around to the boiler
And upon the edge he knelt
And he toppled right into the boiler full of
Hot Asphalt.
Well we quickly pulled him out of it
And we put him in a tub
And with soap and lots of heated water
We did rub and scrub.
But the divil a bit of tar came off
It was stuck on just like a stone
And every time we gave a rub
You could hear the poor man groan.
With the boilin’ and the wettin’
He caught a bloomin’ cold
And for scientific purposes
His body has been sold.
Inside the National Museum now
He’s a-hanging by the belt
As an example of the dire effects on the
Hot Asphalt.
Hot Asphalt videos
Hot Asphalt lyrics and chords