The chords to I’m a Stranger in this Country presented here in the key of C major.
Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics are about an American in Ireland who falls for a local girl and plans to take her back to America with him.
[C]I’m a stranger in this [F]country
From A[G]miricay I [C]came.
There is no one here that [G]knows me
And they [Am]cannot tell [F]my [C]name.
Here’s a health to lovely [G]Nancy
As she [Am]stands up [F]on the [C]shore.
She is ever in my [F]fancy
And she [G]loves me ever [C]more.
Chord Converter
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Some say I’m foolish
Some say I’m wild.
Some say I’m cunning
Young maids to beguile.
But to make them all liars
If you’ll come with me.
I’ll take you to America
May darling to be.
I’m a Stranger in this Country lyrics and chords print version
[C]I’m a stranger in this [F]country
From A[G]miricay I [C]came.
There is no one here that [G]knows me
And they [Am]cannot tell [F]my [C]name.
Here’s a health to lovely [G]Nancy
As she [Am]stands up [F]on the [C]shore.
She is ever in my [F]fancy
And she [G]loves me ever [C]more.
Some say I’m foolish
Some say I’m wild.
Some say I’m cunning
Young maids to beguile.
But to make them all liars
If you’ll come with me.
I’ll take you to America
May darling to be.