Home In Praise of the City of Mullingar – lyrics and chords

In Praise of the City of Mullingar – lyrics and chords

The chords to In Praise of the City of Mullingar are presented here in the key of G major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics are of a man taking great pride in describing the various events and places in his city Mullingar.


[G]Ye may strain your muscles to brag of [C]Brussels

Of London, [D]Paris or Timbuc[G]too

Constantinople, or Sebas[C]tople

Vienna, [D]Naples or Tonga ta[G]boo.

Of Copen[C]ha[D]gen, Madrid, Kil[C]beggan

Or the capi[D]tal of the Rooshian [D7]Czar

But they’re all in[G]ferior to the vast su[C]perior

And gorgeous [D]city of Mullin[G]gar.



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That fair metropolis so great and populous
Adorns the regions of sweet Westmeath
That fertile county which nature’s bounty
Has richly gifted with bog and heath.
Them scenes so charming where snipes a-swarming
Attract the sportsman that comes from far
And whoever wishes may catch fine fishes
In deep Loch Owel near Mullingar.

I could stray for ever by Brosna’s river
And watch its waters in the sparkling fall
And the ganders swimmin’ and lightly skimmin’
O’er the crystal of the Roy’l Canal.
Or on Thursdays wander ‘mid pigs so tender
And geese and turkeys on many a car
Exchangin’ pleasantry with the fine bold peasantry
That throng the market at Mullingar.

Ye nine, inspire me and with rapture fire me
To sing the buildings both old and new
The majestic court-house and the spacious workhouse
And the church and steeple which adorn the view.
Then there’s barracks airy for the military
Where the brave repose from the toils of war
Five schools, a nunnery and a thrivin’ tannery
In the gorgeous city of Mullingar.

The railway station with admiration
I next must mention in terms of praise
Where trains a-rollin’ and engines howlin’
Strike each beholder with wild amaze.
And then there’s Main Street that broad and clean street
With its rows of gas-lumps that shine afar
I could spake a lecture on the architecture
Of the gorgeous city of Mullingar.

The men of genius contemporaneous
Approach spontaneous this favoured spot
Where good society and great variety
Of entertainment is still their lot.
The neighbouring quality for hospitality
And conviviality enequalled are
And from December until November
There’s still diversion in Mullingar.

Now, in conclusion I make allusion
To the beauteous females that here abound
Celestial creatures with lovely features
And taper ankles that skim the ground.
But this suspends me the theme transcends me
My muse’s powers are too weak by far
It would take Catullus likewise Tibullus
To sing the beauties of Mullingar.

In Praise of the City of Mullingar videos
In Praise of the City of Mullingar lyrics and chords

In Praise of the City of Mullingar lyrics and chords print version

[G]Ye may strain your muscles to brag of [C]Brussels
Of London, [D]Paris or Timbuc[G]too
Constantinople, or Sebas[C]tople
Vienna, [D]Naples or Tonga ta[G]boo.
Of Copen[C]ha[D]gen, Madrid, Kil[C]beggan
Or the capi[D]tal of the Rooshian [D7]Czar
But they’re all in[G]ferior to the vast su[C]perior
And gorgeous [D]city of Mullin[G]gar.

That fair metropolis so great and populous
Adorns the regions of sweet Westmeath
That fertile county which nature’s bounty
Has richly gifted with bog and heath.
Them scenes so charming where snipes a-swarming
Attract the sportsman that comes from far
And whoever wishes may catch fine fishes
In deep Loch Owel near Mullingar.

I could stray for ever by Brosna’s river
And watch its waters in the sparkling fall
And the ganders swimmin’ and lightly skimmin’
O’er the crystal of the Roy’l Canal.
Or on Thursdays wander ‘mid pigs so tender
And geese and turkeys on many a car
Exchangin’ pleasantry with the fine bold peasantry
That throng the market at Mullingar.

Ye nine, inspire me and with rapture fire me
To sing the buildings both old and new
The majestic court-house and the spacious workhouse
And the church and steeple which adorn the view.
Then there’s barracks airy for the military
Where the brave repose from the toils of war
Five schools, a nunnery and a thrivin’ tannery
In the gorgeous city of Mullingar.

The railway station with admiration
I next must mention in terms of praise
Where trains a-rollin’ and engines howlin’
Strike each beholder with wild amaze.
And then there’s Main Street that broad and clean street
With its rows of gas-lumps that shine afar
I could spake a lecture on the architecture
Of the gorgeous city of Mullingar.

The men of genius contemporaneous
Approach spontaneous this favoured spot
Where good society and great variety
Of entertainment is still their lot.
The neighbouring quality for hospitality
And conviviality enequalled are
And from December until November
There’s still diversion in Mullingar.

Now, in conclusion I make allusion
To the beauteous females that here abound
Celestial creatures with lovely features
And taper ankles that skim the ground.
But this suspends me the theme transcends me
My muse’s powers are too weak by far
It would take Catullus likewise Tibullus
To sing the beauties of Mullingar.

In Praise of the City of Mullingar videos
In Praise of the City of Mullingar lyrics and chords