Home It’s a Long Way to Tipperary lyrics and chords

It’s a Long Way to Tipperary lyrics and chords

The chords to It’s a Long Way to Tipperary are presented in the key of C. It was an anthem for the allied forces in the first world war. The lyrics were written by Jack Judge and Harry Williams. They tell the story of n Irishman in london who wants to return so he can marry his love before a rival swoops in.


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[wpchords][C]Up to mighty London came an Irishman one [G7]day
[C]As the streets were paved with gold, sure [B7]ev’ry one was [Em-G7]gay
[C]Singing songs of Piccadilly, [B7]Strand and Leicester [Em]Square
Till [E7]Paddy got ex[Am]cited then he [D7]shouted to them [G7]there

It’s a [C]long way to [G7]Tipper[C-C7]ary it’s a [F]long way to [C]go
It’s a long way to [G7]Tipper[C]ary to [A7]the [D7]sweetest [(Bm)]girl [D7]I [G7]know
[C]Goodbye [G7]Picca[C-C7]dilly [F]farewell Leices[Dm]ter [E7]Square
[C]It’s [G7]a [C]long long way to Tipper[F-C]ary but [Am-D7]my heart’s [G7]right [C]there[/wpchords]


Chord Converter
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Paddy wrote a letter to his Irish molly O
Saying “ Should you not receive it, write and let me know
If I make mistakes in spelling Molly dea,” said he
“Remember it’s the pen that’s bad, don’t lay the blame on me”

Molly wrote a neat reply to Irish Paddy O
Saying “Mike Maloney wants to marry me
And so leave the Strand and Piccadilly or you’ll be to blame
For love has fairly drove me silly hoping you’re the same!”

Lyrics and Chords

It’s a Long Way to Tipperary lyrics and chords print version

[C]Up to mighty London came an Irishman one [G7]day
[C]As the streets were paved with gold, sure [B7]ev’ry one was [Em-G7]gay
[C]Singing songs of Piccadilly, [B7]Strand and Leicester [Em]Square
Till [E7]Paddy got ex[Am]cited then he [D7]shouted to them [G7]there

It’s a [C]long way to [G7]Tipper[C-C7]ary it’s a [F]long way to [C]go
It’s a long way to [G7]Tipper[C]ary to [A7]the [D7]sweetest [(Bm)]girl [D7]I [G7]know
[C]Goodbye [G7]Picca[C-C7]dilly [F]farewell Leices[Dm]ter [E7]Square
[C]It’s [G7]a [C]long long way to Tipper[F-C]ary but [Am-D7]my heart’s [G7right [C]there

Paddy wrote a letter to his Irish molly O
Saying “ Should you not receive it, write and let me know
If I make mistakes in spelling Molly dea,” said he
“Remember it’s the pen that’s bad, don’t lay the blame on me”

Molly wrote a neat reply to Irish Paddy O
Saying “Mike Maloney wants to marry me
And so leave the Strand and Piccadilly or you’ll be to blame
For love has fairly drove me silly hoping you’re the same!”

Lyrics and Chords