James Connolly lyrics and chords

The chords to James Connolly are presented in the key of A. It is an Irish rebel song and the lyrics celebrate the spirit and courage of rebel leader, James Connolly.


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[chordsandlyrics]A [A]great crowd had [A7]gathered out[D]side of Kil[A]mainham
Their [D]heads all un[A]covered they [B]knelt on the [E]ground
For in[A]side that grim [A7]prison lay a [D]true Irish [A]soldier
His [D]life for his [A]country a[E]bout to lay [A]down[/chordsandlyrics]

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He went to his death like a true son of Erin
The firing party he bravely did face
Then the order ran out, “Present arms” and “Fire!”
James Connolly fell into a readymade grave

The black flag was hoisted, the cruel deed was over
Gone was the man who loved Ireland so well
There was many a sad heart in Dublin that morning
When they murdered James Connolly, the Irish rebel

Many years have rolled by since that Irish rebellion
When the guns of Britannia they loudly did speak
And the bold IRA they stood shoulder to shoulder
As the blood from their bodies flowed down Sackville Street

The Four Courts of Dublin the English bombarded
The spirit of freedom they tried hard to quell
But above all the din came the cry “No Surrender!”
‘Twas the voice of James Connolly, the Irish rebel

Lyrics and Chords

James Connolly lyrics and chords print version

A [A]great crowd had [A7]gathered out[D]side of Kil[A]mainham
Their [D]heads all un[A]covered they [B]knelt on the [E]ground
For in[A]side that grim [A7]prison lay a [D]true Irish [A]soldier
His [D]life for his [A]country a[E]bout to lay [A]down

He went to his death like a true son of Erin
The firing party he bravely did face
Then the order ran out, “Present arms” and “Fire!”
James Connolly fell into a readymade grave

The black flag was hoisted, the cruel deed was over
Gone was the man who loved Ireland so well
There was many a sad heart in Dublin that morning
When they murdered James Connolly, the Irish rebel

Many years have rolled by since that Irish rebellion
When the guns of Britannia they loudly did speak
And the bold IRA they stood shoulder to shoulder
As the blood from their bodies flowed down Sackville Street

The Four Courts of Dublin the English bombarded
The spirit of freedom they tried hard to quell
But above all the din came the cry “No Surrender!”
‘Twas the voice of James Connolly, the Irish rebel

Lyrics and Chords