The chords to Joe Hill are presented in the key of C. The lyrics were written by Alfred Hayes and are about a man who dreams he spoke to Joseph Hillstrom who was executed in Utah in 1915 after being wrongly charged with murder. He was known as Joe Hill and was a union organiser. In the song Joe hill tells the man that he didn’t die and it ends by saying that everywhere that workers strike and orgnise, “You’ll find Joe hill.”
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[chordsandlyrics][C]I dreamed I saw Joe [C7]Hill last night
A[F]live as you and [C]me
Says [Am]I, ‘ But Joe, you’re [Em]ten years dead.’
‘I [D7]never died’ says [G]he
‘I [G7]never died’ says [C]he[/chordsandlyrics]
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‘In Salt Lake, Joe, by God’ says I, him standing by my bed
‘They framed you on a murder charge,’
Says Joe ‘But I ain’t dead’, says Joe ‘But I ain’t dead’
‘The copper bosses killed you Joe, they shot you Joe’ says I
‘takes more than guns to kill a man’
Says Joe, ‘I didn’t die’ says Joe ‘I didn’t die’
And standing there as big as life, and smiling with his eyes
Joe says ‘What they forgot to kill,
Went on to organise, went on to organise.’
‘Joe Hill ain’t dead’ he says to me, Joe Hill ain’t never died
Where working men are out on strike
Joe Hill is at their side, Joe Hill is at their side
From San Diego up to Maine, in every mine and mill
Where workers strike and organise
Says he, ‘You’ll find Joe Hill’, says he, ‘You’ll find Joe Hill’.
Lyrics and Chords
Joe Hill lyrics and chords print version
[C]I dreamed I saw Joe [C7]Hill last night
A[F]live as you and [C]me
Says [Am]I, ‘ But Joe, you’re [Em]ten years dead.’
‘I [D7]never died’ says [G]he
‘I [G7]never died’ says [C]he
‘In Salt Lake, Joe, by God’ says I, him standing by my bed
‘They framed you on a murder charge,’
Says Joe ‘But I ain’t dead’, says Joe ‘But I ain’t dead’
‘The copper bosses killed you Joe, they shot you Joe’ says I
‘takes more than guns to kill a man’
Says Joe, ‘I didn’t die’ says Joe ‘I didn’t die’
And standing there as big as life, and smiling with his eyes
Joe says ‘What they forgot to kill,
Went on to organise, went on to organise.’
‘Joe Hill ain’t dead’ he says to me, Joe Hill ain’t never died
Where working men are out on strike
Joe Hill is at their side, Joe Hill is at their side
From San Diego up to Maine, in every mine and mill
Where workers strike and organise
Says he, ‘You’ll find Joe Hill’, says he, ‘You’ll find Joe Hill’.
Lyrics and Chords