The chords to Jug of Puch are presented in the key of E. The lyrics are a celebration of alcohol and drinking punch.
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And from that time, through wildest woe,
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[chordsandlyrics][E]‘Twas very early in the month of June,
As I was [B7]sitting [E]in my room,
I heard a thrush singing [A]in a bush,
And the [B7]song it sang was the jug of [E]punch.
Too ra loo ra loo, too ra loo ra loo
Too ra [B7]loo ra loo, too ra [E]loo ra loo
I heard a [E7]thrush sing [A]in a bush
And the [B7]song it sang was the Jug of [E]Punch[/chordsandlyrics]
What more diversion can a man desire
Than to be seated by a snug coal fire
Upon his knee a pretty wench
And on the table a jug of punch
If I were sick and very bad
And was not able to go or stand
I would not think it at all to amiss
To pledge my shoes for a jug of punch.
The doctor fails with all his art
To cure an impression on the heart
But if life was gone within an inch
What would bring it back but a jug of punch?
But when I’m dead and in my grave
No costly tombstone will I have
But they’ll dig a grave both wide and deep
With a jug of punch at my head and feet.
Jug of Punch print version
[E]‘Twas very early in the month of June,
As I was [B7]sitting [E]in my room,
I heard a thrush singing [A]in a bush,
And the [B7]song it sang was the jug of [E]punch.
Too ra loo ra loo, too ra loo ra loo
Too ra [B7]loo ra loo, too ra [E]loo ra loo
I heard a [E7]thrush sing [A]in a bush
And the [B7]song it sang was the Jug of [E]Punch
What more diversion can a man desire
Than to be seated by a snug coal fire
Upon his knee a pretty wench
And on the table a jug of punch
If I were sick and very bad
And was not able to go or stand
I would not think it at all to amiss
To pledge my shoes for a jug of punch.
The doctor fails with all his art
To cure an impression on the heart
But if life was gone within an inch
What would bring it back but a jug of punch?
But when I’m dead and in my grave
No costly tombstone will I have
But they’ll dig a grave both wide and deep
With a jug of punch at my head and feet.