The Lark in the Clear Air lyrics and chords

The chords to The Lark in the Clear Air are presented in the key of G. The lyrics are about a young man’s plans to tell his love how he feels about her and how he hopes she feels the same way.


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[chordsandlyrics][Em]Dear thoughts are [C]in my mind and my [G]soul soars en[Am]chanted
As I [Em]hear the sweet [C]lark [D]sing in the [G]clear [C]air [D]of the [G]day
For a [Em]tender bearing smile [C]to my [G]hope [Em]has [Am]been [D]granted
[Am7]And to[Em]morrow she [C]shall [D]hear all my [G]fond [C]heart [D]would [C-G]say[/chordsandlyrics]

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I shall tell her all my love
All my soul’s adoration
And I think she will hear me
And will not say me nay

It is this that gives my soul
All its joyous elation
As I hear the sweet lark sing
In the clear air of the day

Lyrics and Chords

The Lark in the Clear Air lyrics and chords print version

[Em]Dear thoughts are [C]in my mind and my [G]soul soars en[Am]chanted
As I [Em]hear the sweet [C]lark [D]sing in the [G]clear [C]air [D]of the [G]day
For a [Em]tender bearing smile [C]to my [G]hope [Em]has [Am]been [D]granted
[Am7]And to[Em]morrow she [C]shall [D]hear all my [G]fond [C]heart [D]would [C-G]say

I shall tell her all my love
All my soul’s adoration
And I think she will hear me
And will not say me nay

It is this that gives my soul
All its joyous elation
As I hear the sweet lark sing
In the clear air of the day

Lyrics and Chords