The chords to Lough Sheelin’s Side are presented in the key of G. The lyrics tell the story of a poverty stricken man who left Ireland after his true love died from cold when he couldn’t pay the rent.
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[chordsandlyrics][G]Farewell my country a long fare[Em]well,
My [C]bitter [Am]anguish no [G]tongue can tell,
For [G]I must fly o’re the ocean [Em]wide,
From the [C]home I [D]loved by Lough [C]Sheelin [G]side.[/chordsandlyrics]
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Fond memories come ‘till my heart grows sad
And vengeful thoughts ‘till my brain goes mad
When I think of Eileen my fair young bride
In the churchyard lone by Lough Sheelin’s side
When I first wooed her so fair and young
With her artless airs and guileless tongue
All other maidens she far outvied
On the lonely banks of Lough Sheelin’s side
So proud was I of my girl so tall
And envied most by the young men all
When I brought her blushing with bashful pride
To my cottage home by Lough Sheelin’s side
But ah! Our joys were too full to last,
The landlord came our bright hopes to blast,
In vain we pleaded for mercy – no
But he hurled us forth in the blinding snow
Not one dare open for us their door
Or else his vengeance would reach them sure
My Eileen faint in my arms died
As the snow lay deep on the mountain side
I raised my hand to heavens above
And I said one prayer for my lifeless love
May the God of justice, I widely cried
Avenge the death of my murdered bride
We laid her down in the churchyard low
Where in the springtime sweet daisies grow
I shed no tears forthat fount has dried
On that woeful night by Lough Sheelin’s side
Farewell my country farewell fore’er
The big ship’s waiting I must prepare
But my fond heart it shall still abide
In my Eileen’s grave by Lough Sheelin’s side.
Lyrics and Chords
Lough Sheelin’s Side lyrics and chords print version
[G]Farewell my country a long fare[Em]well,
My [C]bitter [Am]anguish no [G]tongue can tell,
For [G]I must fly o’re the ocean [Em]wide,
From the [C]home I [D]loved by Lough [C]Sheelin [G]side.
Fond memories come ‘till my heart grows sad
And vengeful thoughts ‘till my brain goes mad
When I think of Eileen my fair young bride
In the churchyard lone by Lough Sheelin’s side
When I first wooed her so fair and young
With her artless airs and guileless tongue
All other maidens she far outvied
On the lonely banks of Lough Sheelin’s side
So proud was I of my girl so tall
And envied most by the young men all
When I brought her blushing with bashful pride
To my cottage home by Lough Sheelin’s side
But ah! Our joys were too full to last,
The landlord came our bright hopes to blast,
In vain we pleaded for mercy – no
But he hurled us forth in the blinding snow
Not one dare open for us their door
Or else his vengeance would reach them sure
My Eileen faint in my arms died
As the snow lay deep on the mountain side
I raised my hand to heavens above
And I said one prayer for my lifeless love
May the God of justice, I widely cried
Avenge the death of my murdered bride
We laid her down in the churchyard low
Where in the springtime sweet daisies grow
I shed no tears forthat fount has dried
On that woeful night by Lough Sheelin’s side
Farewell my country farewell fore’er
The big ship’s waiting I must prepare
But my fond heart it shall still abide
In my Eileen’s grave by Lough Sheelin’s side.
Lyrics and Chords