Home Madairin Rua – lyrics and chords

Madairin Rua – lyrics and chords

The chords to Madairin Rua presented here in the key of D major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics tell the story of a fox sneaking round a farmyard in the morning looking for a tasty meal.


[D]An Madairin a Rua, Rua, Rua, Rua, Rua

An Madairin a Rua ta [A7]gran [D]na

An [(Bm)]Madairin a [A]Rua na [D]lui sa lua chair’s barr

A dha chluis in [A7]air [D]de.

The little red fox is a raider sly

In the misty morning [A7]cree[D]ping

With a [(Bm)]morsel to his [A]taste, he [D]hurries in haste

While the farmyard’s soundly [A7]slee[D]ping.



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A duck says he has charms for me
Likewise a good cock crowing
But a fine fat goose is most of use
To a family young and growing.

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Madairin Rua lyrics and chords

Madairin Rua lyrics and chords print version

[D]An Madairin a Rua, Rua, Rua, Rua, Rua
An Madairin a Rua ta [A7]gran [D]na
An [(Bm)]Madairin a [A]Rua na [D]lui sa lua chair’s barr
A dha chluis in [A7]air [D]de.

The little red fox is a raider sly
In the misty morning [A7]cree[D]ping
With a [(Bm)]morsel to his [A]taste, he [D]hurries in haste
While the farmyard’s soundly [A7]slee[D]ping.

A duck says he has charms for me
Likewise a good cock crowing
But a fine fat goose is most of use
To a family young and growing.

Madairin Rua videos
Madairin Rua lyrics and chords