The chords to McAlpine’s Fusiliers are presented here in the key of D major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics capture the mood amongst the Irish people at the mass migration of labourers leaving Ireland to get work in England.
I stripped to the skin with Darky Finn
Down upon the Isle of Grain
With Horseface Toole, I learned the rule
No money if you stop for the rain.
For McAlpine’s god is a well-filled hod
With your shoulders cut to bits and seared
And woe to he, who looks for tea
With McAlpine’s Fusiliers.
Chord Converter
Our chord converter enables you to play this song in any key.
I remember the day that Bear O’Shea
Fell into a concrete stair
What Horseface said, when he saw him dead
Well it wasn’t what the rich call prayers.
I’m a navy short, was his one retort
That reached unto my ears
When the going is rough, well you must be tough
With McAlpine’s Fusiliers.
I’ve worked till the sweat near had me beat
With Russian, Czech and Pole
At shuttering jams up in the hydro dams
Or underneath the Thames in a hole.
I grafted hard and I goty me cards and
Many’s a ganger’s first across me ears
If you pride your life, don’t join, by Christ
With McAlpine’s Fusiliers.
McAlpine’s Fusiliers videos
McAlpine’s Fusiliers lyrics and chords
McAlpine’s Fusiliers lyrics and chords print version
I stripped to the skin with Darky Finn
Down upon the Isle of Grain
With Horseface Toole, I learned the rule
No money if you stop for the rain.
For McAlpine’s god is a well-filled hod
With your shoulders cut to bits and seared
And woe to he, who looks for tea
With McAlpine’s Fusiliers.
I remember the day that Bear O’Shea
Fell into a concrete stair
What Horseface said, when he saw him dead
Well it wasn’t what the rich call prayers.
I’m a navy short, was his one retort
That reached unto my ears
When the going is rough, well you must be tough
With McAlpine’s Fusiliers.
I’ve worked till the sweat near had me beat
With Rissian, Czech and Pole
At shuttering jams up in the hydro dams
Or underneath the Thames in a hole.
I grafted hard and I goty me cards and
Many’s a ganger’s first across me ears
If you pride your life, don’t join, by Christ
With McAlpine’s Fusiliers.
McAlpine’s Fusiliers videos
McAlpine’s Fusiliers lyrics and chords