The chords to Molly Ban are presented in the key of G. The lyrics tell the story of a man who accidentally shot and killed his true love while out hunting.
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[chordsandlyrics][G]Come along all you young [D7]fellows that [C]follow the [D7]gun
Be[G]ware of going [Am]shooting by the [C]late setting [D7]sun
It might [G]happen to [D7]anyone as it [Am]happened to [D7]me
To [G]shoot your own [Am]true love in [Em]under a [D7]tree[/chordsandlyrics]
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She was going to her uncles when a shower came on
She went under a bush, the rain for to shun
With her apron all around her I took her for a swan
And I levelled my gun and I shot my Molly Ban
I ran to my father’s in haste and great fear
Saying ‘Father, dear father, I’ve shot Molly dear
With her apron all around her, I took her for a swan
But oh, and alas, it was my own Molly Ban.’
My father said to me ‘My son don’t run away
Don’t run from the land ’till the law has had its say
Stay in your own country ‘till the trial it comes on
For there’s no judge who will hang you for the shooting of a swan.’
My curse on you, Toby, that lent me the gun
For to go out hunting by the late setting sun
I rubbed her fair temples and found she was dead
A fountain of tears for my Molly I shed
Oh the maids in this village, no tears will they shed
When they hear the sad news that my Molly is dead
Take them all in their hundreds, set them all in a row
Molly Ban she shone above them, like a mountain of snow
Lyrics and Chords
Molly Ban lyrics and chords print version
[G]Come along all you young [D7]fellows that [C]follow the [D7]gun
Be[G]ware of going [Am]shooting by the [C]late setting [D7]sun
It might [G]happen to [D7]anyone as it [Am]happened to [D7]me
To [G]shoot your own [Am]true love in [Em]under a [D7]tree
She was going to her uncles when a shower came on
She went under a bush, the rain for to shun
With her apron all around her I took her for a swan
And I levelled my gun and I shot my Molly Ban
I ran to my father’s in haste and great fear
Saying ‘Father, dear father, I’ve shot Molly dear
With her apron all around her, I took her for a swan
But oh, and alas, it was my own Molly Ban.’
My father said to me ‘My son don’t run away
Don’t run from the land ’till the law has had its say
Stay in your own country ‘till the trial it comes on
For there’s no judge who will hang you for the shooting of a swan.’
My curse on you, Toby, that lent me the gun
For to go out hunting by the late setting sun
I rubbed her fair temples and found she was dead
A fountain of tears for my Molly I shed
Oh the maids in this village, no tears will they shed
When they hear the sad news that my Molly is dead
Take them all in their hundreds, set them all in a row
Molly Ban she shone above them, like a mountain of snow
Lyrics and Chords