The chords to Mush Mush are presented in the key of G. The lyrics are about tough guy called Billy McGhee who would fight anyone who ‘trod on the tail of his coat’.
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[chordsandlyrics]It was [G]there I learned readin’ and [D]writin’
At Dick [G]Crowley’s where I went to [C]school
It was [G]there I learned [G7]howlin’ and [C]fightin’
[Am]With my [G]schoolmaster [D7]Mister O'[G]Toole
[D]Him and [G]me we had many’s a [D]scrimmage
And [G]divil the copy I [C]wrote
There was [G]ne’er a gar[G7]soon in the [C]village
[Am]Dared [G]tread on the [D7]tail of me [G]coat[/chordsandlyrics]
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Mush mush mush toor-a-lie-addy
Sing mush mush mush toor-a-lie-ay
There was ne’er a gassoon in the village
Dared tread on the tail of me coat
‘Twas there that I learned all me courting; Many lessons I took in the art
Till Cupid, the blackguard, in sporting; an arrow drove straight through my heart
Molly Connor she lived right beside me; and tender lines to her I wrote
If you dare say one wrong word against her; I’ll tread on the tail of your coat
But a blackguard called Mickey Maloney; he stole her affections away
He had money and I hadn’t any; so I sent him a challenge next day
That evening we met at the Woodbine; the Shannon we crossed in a boat
And I leathered him with my shillelagh; for he trod on the tail of my coat
My fame spread abroad through the nation; and folks came a-flocking to see
And they cried out without hesitation; “You’re a fighting man, Billy McGhee!”
I cleaned out the Finnegan faction; and I licked all the Murphys afloat
If you’re in for a row or a ruction just tread on the tail of my coat
Lyrics and Chords
Mush Mush lyrics and chords print version
It was [G]there I learned readin’ and [D]writin’
At Dick [G]Crowley’s where I went to [C]school
It was [G]there I learned [G7]howlin’ and [C]fightin’
[Am]With my [G]schoolmaster [D7]Mister O'[G]Toole
[D]Him and [G]me we had many’s a [D]scrimmage
And [G]divil the copy I [C]wrote
There was [G]ne’er a gar[G7]soon in the [C]village
[Am]Dared [G]tread on the [D7]tail of me [G]coat
Mush mush mush toor-a-lie-addy
Sing mush mush mush toor-a-lie-ay
There was ne’er a gassoon in the village
Dared tread on the tail of me coat
‘Twas there that I learned all me courting; Many lessons I took in the art
Till Cupid, the blackguard, in sporting; an arrow drove straight through my heart
Molly Connor she lived right beside me; and tender lines to her I wrote
If you dare say one wrong word against her; I’ll tread on the tail of your coat
But a blackguard called Mickey Maloney; he stole her affections away
He had money and I hadn’t any; so I sent him a challenge next day
That evening we met at the Woodbine; the Shannon we crossed in a boat
And I leathered him with my shillelagh; for he trod on the tail of my coat
My fame spread abroad through the nation; and folks came a-flocking to see
And they cried out without hesitation; “You’re a fighting man, Billy McGhee!”
I cleaned out the Finnegan faction; and I licked all the Murphys afloat
If you’re in for a row or a ruction just tread on the tail of my coat
Lyrics and Chords