The chords to The Next Market Day are presented here in the key of D minor. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics are about a girl that goes to the market to sell some yarn for her mother, but is sidetracked by a young man she meets.
[Dm]A maid went to [(Gm)]Comber her [Am]markets to [Dm]learn
To sell for her [Am]mammy three [(Gm)]hanks of fine [Am]yarn.
She [Dm]met a young [Am]man on the [C]King’s own high[A7]way
Which [Dm]caused this young [(Gm)]damsel to [Am]dally and [Dm]stray.
[Dm]Come sit down be[(Gm)]side me I [Am]mean you no [Dm]harm
Come sit down be[Am]side me this [(Gm)]new tune to [Am]learn.
Here [Dm]are three new [Am]guineas, your [C]mammy to [A7]pay
So [Dm]leave off your [(Gm)]learnin’ till the [Am]next market [Dm]day.
Chord Converter
Our chord converter enables you to play this song in any key.
She sat down beside him, the grass was so green
The day was the fairest that ever was seen.
The look in your eye beats a morning in May
I could sit by your side till the next market day.
Now as she went homeward, the words he had said
And the tune that he sung her still rang in her head.
I’ll search for that lad be it land or by sea
Till he learns me the tune to ‘The Next Market Day.’
The Next Market Day videos
The Next Market Day lyrics and chords
The Next Market Day lyrics and chords print version
[Dm]A maid went to [(Gm)]Comber her [Am]markets to [Dm]learn
To sell for her [Am]mammy three [(Gm)]hanks of fine [Am]yarn.
She [Dm]met a young [Am]man on the [C]King’s own high[A7]way
Which [Dm]caused this young [(Gm)]damsel to [Am]dally and [Dm]stray.
[Dm]Come sit down be[(Gm)]side me I [Am]mean you no [Dm]harm
Come sit down be[Am]side me this [(Gm)]new tune to [Am]learn.
Here [Dm]are three new [Am]guineas, your [C]mammy to [A7]pay
So [Dm]leave off your [(Gm)]learnin’ till the [Am]next market [Dm]day.
She sat down beside him, the grass was so green
The day was the fairest that ever was seen.
The look in your eye beats a morning in May
I could sit by your side till the next market day.
Now as she went homeward, the words he had said
And the tune that he sung her still rang in her head.
I’ll search for that lad be it land or by sea
Till he learns me the tune to ‘The Next Market Day.’
The Next Market Day videos
The Next Market Day lyrics and chords