Home Nora – lyrics and chords

Nora – lyrics and chords

The lyrics of Nora are of a man telling of his happiness that he has found love. The chords are presented here in the key of D major.


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[D]The violets were [D7]scenting the [G]woods, Nora,

Dis[D]playing their charms to the [A]bees,

[A7]When I [D]first said I [D7]loved only [G]you, Nora,

And [D]you said you [A7]loved only [D]me.

The [G]chestnut blooms gleam through the [D]glade, Nora,

A [A]robin sang [E7]loud from the [A7]tree,

[A7]When I [D]first said I [D7]loved only [G]you, Nora,

And [D]you said you [A7]loved only [D]me.

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The golden robed daffodils shone, Nora,
And danced in the breeze of the lea,
When I first said I loved only you, Nora,
And you said you loved only me.

The birds in the trees sang their songs, Nora,
Of happier transports to be,
When I first said I loved only you, Nora,
And you said you loved only me.

Our hopes they have never come true, Nora,
Our dreams were never to be,
Since I first said I loved only you, Nora,
And you said you loved only me.

Nora videos
Nora lyrics and chords

Nora lyrics and chords print version

[D]The violets were [D7]scenting the [G]woods, Nora,
Dis[D]playing their charms to the [A]bees,
[A7]When I [D]first said I [D7]loved only [G]you, Nora,
And [D]you said you [A7]loved only [D]me.

The [G]chestnut blooms gleam through the [D]glade, Nora,
A [A]robin sang [E7]loud from the [A7]tree,
[A7]When I [D]first said I [D7]loved only [G]you, Nora,
And [D]you said you [A7]loved only [D]me.

The golden robed daffodils shone, Nora,
And danced in the breeze of the lea,
When I first said I loved only you, Nora,
And you said you loved only me.

The birds in the trees sang their songs, Nora,
Of happier transports to be,
When I first said I loved only you, Nora,
And you said you loved only me.

Our hopes they have never come true, Nora,
Our dreams were never to be,
Since I first said I loved only you, Nora,
And you said you loved only me.

Nora videos
Nora lyrics and chords