The chords to Paddy Lay Back are presented in the key of G. The lyrics are about an drunken Irish sailor who is working on a ship full of incompetent drunks from many different countries. He wishes he was on an Irish ship.
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[chordsandlyrics]’Twas a [G]cold and dreary morning in De[D]cember
And [D7]all of my [C]money being [G]spent
What day it was I [Am]hardly can re[C]member
[Am]When [G]down to the Shipp[D7]ing Quay I [G]went
[G]Sing Paddy lay back (Paddy lay back)
[G]Take in the slack (take in the slack)
Take a turn around the [Em]capstan heave up [D]all
A[G]bout ship’s [Am]stations boys be [C]handy
[Am]For we’re [G]bound for Valipor[D7]azor ’round the [G]Horn[/chordsandlyrics]
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That day there was a great demand for sailors
From colonies, from Frisco and from France
I shipped on board a liner named The Hotspur
And got paralytic drunk on my advance
Now some of our fellows had been drinking
And me meself was heavy on the booze
So I sat upon me old sea chest a-thinking
I’d turn in and have meself a snooze
I woke up in the morning sick and sore,
I knew I was outward bound again
I hear a voice a-bawling at the door
“Lay aft, ye sods, and answer to your names.”
‘Twas on the quarterdeck where I first saw them
Such an ugly bunch I never seen before
For there was a bum and stiff from every quarter
And it made me poor old heart feel sick and sore
There was Spaniards an’ Dutchmen an’ Russians
And Johnny Crapoos just across from France
And most of them could speak no word of English
But answered to the name of `Month’s Advance!’
Well I wished that I was in the Jolly Sailors
Along with Irish Paddys drinking beer,
Then I thought of what a jolly lot are sailors
And with me flipper I wiped away a tear
Well when we gathered all the tugs alongside
They towed us from the wharf and out to sea
With half the crew a hanging o’er the ship’s side
The bloody row that started sickened me
The bowsen he said that he couldn’t savvy
The crew were speaking lingoes all galore
So the only thing the old man he could do was
Just pay us sailors off and ship some more
Lyrics and Chords
Paddy Lay Back lyrics and chords print version
‘Twas a [G]cold and dreary morning in De[D]cember
And [D7]all of my [C]money being [G]spent
What day it was I [Am]hardly can re[C]member
[Am]When [G]down to the Shipp[D7]ing Quay I [G]went
[G]Sing Paddy lay back (Paddy lay back)
[G]Take in the slack (take in the slack)
Take a turn around the [Em]capstan heave up [D]all
A[G]bout ship’s [Am]stations boys be [C]handy
[Am]For we’re [G]bound for Valipor[D7]azor ’round the [G]Horn
That day there was a great demand for sailors
From colonies, from Frisco and from France
I shipped on board a liner named The Hotspur
And got paralytic drunk on my advance
Now some of our fellows had been drinking
And me meself was heavy on the booze
So I sat upon me old sea chest a-thinking
I’d turn in and have meself a snooze
I woke up in the morning sick and sore,
I knew I was outward bound again
I hear a voice a-bawling at the door
“Lay aft, ye sods, and answer to your names.”
‘Twas on the quarterdeck where I first saw them
Such an ugly bunch I never seen before
For there was a bum and stiff from every quarter
And it made me poor old heart feel sick and sore
There was Spaniards an’ Dutchmen an’ Russians
And Johnny Crapoos just across from France
And most of them could speak no word of English
But answered to the name of `Month’s Advance!’
Well I wished that I was in the Jolly Sailors
Along with Irish Paddys drinking beer,
Then I thought of what a jolly lot are sailors
And with me flipper I wiped away a tear
Well when we gathered all the tugs alongside
They towed us from the wharf and out to sea
With half the crew a hanging o’er the ship’s side
The bloody row that started sickened me
The bowsen he said that he couldn’t savvy
The crew were speaking lingoes all galore
So the only thing the old man he could do was
Just pay us sailors off and ship some more
Lyrics and Chords