Home The Peeler and the Goat lyrics and chords

The Peeler and the Goat lyrics and chords

The chords to The Peeler and the Goat are presented in the key of Em. They were written by Darby Ryan and tell the story of an unfair and over zealous police officer.


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[chordsandlyrics][Em]The Bansha [D]peelers went [Em]out one night
On [G]duty and pa[D]trolling O
And they [Em]spied a [D]goat up [Em]on the road
And [G]took him [D]for a-[Em]strolling O

With [G]bayonets fixed, he [D]sallied forth
And [G]caught him by the [D]wizen O
And [Em]then swore [D]out a [Em]mighty oath
They’d [G]send him [D]off to [Em]prison O[/chordsandlyrics]

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“Oh, mercy, sir!” the goat replied
“And let me tell my story O
I am no rogue, no ribbonman,
No Croppy, Whig, or Tory O
I’m guilty not of any crime
Of petty or high treason O
And our tribe is active at this time
For this is the ranting season O.”

“It is in vain for to complain
Or give your tongue such bridle O
You’re absent from your dwelling place
Disorderly, and idle O
Your hoary locks will not prevail
Nor you sublime oration O
For Peeler’s Act will you transport
On your own information O.”

“No penal laws I did transgress
By deed or combination O
I have no certain place of rest
No home, or habitation O
But Bansha is my dwelling place
Where I was bread and born O
I’m descended from an honest race
“That’s all the trade I’ve learned O.”

“I will chastise your insolence
And violent behaviour O
Well bound to Cashel you’ll be sent
Where you will gain no favour O
The magistrates will all consent
To sign your condemnation O
From there to Cork you will be sent
For speedy transportation O.”

“This parish an’ this neighbourhood
Are peaceable and tranquil O
There’s no disturbance here, that God
And long may it continue so
I don’t regard your oath a pin
Or sign for my committal O
My jury will be gentlemen
And grant me an acquittal O.”

The consequence be what it will
A peeler’s power I’ll let you know
I’ll handcuff you at all events
And march you off to Bridewell O
And sure, you rogue, you can’t deny
Before the judge or jury O
Intimidation with your horns
And threatening me with Fury O.”

“I make no doubt but you are drunk
With whiskey, rum, or brandy O
Or you wouldn’t have such gallant spunk
To be so bold or manly O
You readily would let me pass
If I had money handy O
To treat you to a poteen glass
‘Tis then I’d be the dandy O.”

Lyrics and Chords

The Peeler and the Goat lyrics and chords print version

[Em]The Bansha [D]peelers went [Em]out one night
On [G]duty and pa[D]trolling O
And they [Em]spied a [D]goat up [Em]on the road
And [G]took him [D]for a-[Em]strolling O

With [G]bayonets fixed, he [D]sallied forth
And [G]caught him by the [D]wizen O
And [Em]then swore [D]out a [Em]mighty oath
They’d [G]send him [D]off to [Em]prison O

“Oh, mercy, sir!” the goat replied
“And let me tell my story O
I am no rogue, no ribbonman,
No Croppy, Whig, or Tory O
I’m guilty not of any crime
Of petty or high treason O
And our tribe is active at this time
For this is the ranting season O.”

“It is in vain for to complain
Or give your tongue such bridle O
You’re absent from your dwelling place
Disorderly, and idle O
Your hoary locks will not prevail
Nor you sublime oration O
For Peeler’s Act will you transport
On your own information O.”

“No penal laws I did transgress
By deed or combination O
I have no certain place of rest
No home, or habitation O
But Bansha is my dwelling place
Where I was bread and born O
I’m descended from an honest race
“That’s all the trade I’ve learned O.”

“I will chastise your insolence
And violent behaviour O
Well bound to Cashel you’ll be sent
Where you will gain no favour O
The magistrates will all consent
To sign your condemnation O
From there to Cork you will be sent
For speedy transportation O.”

“This parish an’ this neighbourhood
Are peaceable and tranquil O
There’s no disturbance here, that God
And long may it continue so
I don’t regard your oath a pin
Or sign for my committal O
My jury will be gentlemen
And grant me an acquittal O.”

The consequence be what it will
A peeler’s power I’ll let you know
I’ll handcuff you at all events
And march you off to Bridewell O
And sure, you rogue, you can’t deny
Before the judge or jury O
Intimidation with your horns
And threatening me with Fury O.”

“I make no doubt but you are drunk
With whiskey, rum, or brandy O
Or you wouldn’t have such gallant spunk
To be so bold or manly O
You readily would let me pass
If I had money handy O
To treat you to a poteen glass
‘Tis then I’d be the dandy O.”

Lyrics and Chords