The Shamrock Shore – lyrics and chords

The chords to The Shamrock Shore presented here in the key of D major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics are about a man that has left Ireland and is looking back on it fondly.


[G]Ye muses [A]nine, with [G]me com[Bm]bine and [G(F#m)]grant me [G]your re[D]lief

While [D]here a[G]lone I [A]sigh and moan, I’m [G]overwhelmed with [A]grief

While [D]here a[G]lone I [A]sigh and moan far [G]from my friends and [A]home

My [G]troubled [A]mind no [G]rest can [Bm]find since I [G(F#m)]left the [G]Shamrock [D]shore.



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In early spring when small birds sing and lambkins sport and play
My way I took, my friends forsook and came to Dublin quay.
I entered as a passenger and to England i sailed o’er
I bade farewell to all my friends and I left the Shamrock shore.

To Glasgow fair i did repair some pleasure there to find
I found it was a pleasant place down by the banks of Clyde.
The ladies there are very fair, and rich the pearls they wore
But none I saw that could compare with the maids of the Shamrock shore.

The Shamrock Shore videos
The Shamrock Shore lyrics and chords

The Shamrock Shore lyrics and chords print version

[G]Ye muses [A]nine, with [G]me com[Bm]bine and [G(F#m)]grant me [G]your re[D]lief
While [D]here a[G]lone I [A]sigh and moan, I’m [G]overwhelmed with [A]grief
While [D]here a[G]lone I [A]sigh and moan far [G]from my friends and [A]home
My [G]troubled [A]mind no [G]rest can [Bm]find since I [G(F#m)]left the [G]Shamrock [D]shore.

In early spring when small birds sing and lambkins sport and play
My way I took, my friends forsook and came to Dublin quay.
I entered as a passenger and to England i sailed o’er
I bade farewell to all my friends and I left the Shamrock shore.

To Glasgow fair i did repair some pleasure there to find
I found it was a pleasant place down by the banks of Clyde.
The ladies there are very fair, and rich the pearls they wore
But none I saw that could compare with the maids of the Shamrock shore.

The Shamrock Shore videos
The Shamrock Shore lyrics and chords