The chords to Walking in the Dew are presented in the key of D. The lyrics are from the point of view of a person feeling lonely as they remember strolling with their love but now they walk alone.
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[chordsandlyrics]I was [D]walking in the [A7]dew so [D]early in the [A7]morning
I was [D]walking in the dew [A7]all at the break of [D]day
Way [A7]my love has gone [D]away[/chordsandlyrics]
Chord Converter
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I was strolling with my love so early in the morning
I was strolling with my love all at the break of day
Oh and now the sun is setting and I am walking all alone
I am walking all alone ‘cause my love has gone away
My love has gone away
Walking in the Dew lyrics and chords print version
Lyrics and Chords
I was [D]walking in the [A7]dew so [D]early in the [A7]morning
I was [D]walking in the dew [A7]all at the break of [D]day
Way [A7]my love has gone [D]away
I was strolling with my love so early in the morning
I was strolling with my love all at the break of day
Oh and now the sun is setting and I am walking all alone
I am walking all alone ‘cause my love has gone away
My love has gone away
Lyrics and Chords