The chords to James Connolly are presented in the key of Dm. The lyrics are an ode to 1916 rebellion leader James Connolly.
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[chordsandlyrics][Dm]Where oh where is our [Am]James [Dm]Connolly
Where oh where is that ga[Am]llant [Dm]man?
He’s gone to [Am]organise the [F]un[C]ion
[Dm]That working [Am]men might yet [C]be [Dm]free[/chordsandlyrics]
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Where O where is the citizen army
Where O where are those fighting men?
They’ve gone to join the Great Rebellion
And break the bonds of slavery
And who’ll be there to lead the van
O who’ll be there to lead the van?
Who should be there but our James Connolly
The hero of each working man
Who carries high that burning flag
Who carries high that burning flag?
‘Tis our James Connolly all pale and wounded
Who carries high our burning flag
They carried him up to the jail
They carried him up to the jail
And there they shot him one bright May morning
And quickly laid him in his grave
Who mourns now for our James Connolly
Who mourns for the fighting man?
O lay me down in yon green garden
And make my bearers Union men
We laid him down in yon green garden
With Union men on every side
And swore we’d make one mighty Union
And fill that gallant man with pride
Now all you noble Irishmen
Come join with me for liberty
And we will forge a mighty weapon
And smash the bonds of slavery!
James connolly lyrics and chords print version
[Dm]Where oh where is our [Am]James [Dm]Connolly
Where oh where is that ga[Am]llant [Dm]man?
He’s gone to [Am]organise the [F]un[C]ion
[Dm]That working [Am]men might yet [C]be [Dm]free
Where O where is the citizen army
Where O where are those fighting men?
They’ve gone to join the Great Rebellion
And break the bonds of slavery
And who’ll be there to lead the van
O who’ll be there to lead the van?
Who should be there but our James Connolly
The hero of each working man
Who carries high that burning flag
Who carries high that burning flag?
‘Tis our James Connolly all pale and wounded
Who carries high our burning flag
They carried him up to the jail
They carried him up to the jail
And there they shot him one bright May morning
And quickly laid him in his grave
Who mourns now for our James Connolly
Who mourns for the fighting man?
O lay me down in yon green garden
And make my bearers Union men
We laid him down in yon green garden
With Union men on every side
And swore we’d make one mighty Union
And fill that gallant man with pride
Now all you noble Irishmen
Come join with me for liberty
And we will forge a mighty weapon
And smash the bonds of slavery!