The chords to Whiskey You’re the Devil are presented in the key of D. The lyrics are a warning about the perils of drinking.
Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys.
[chordsandlyrics]Oh [D]now brave boys we’re on the march
And [Em]off to Portugal and Spain
The [D]drums are beating, [Bm]banners high
The [Em]divil a home will [A]come tonight
Oh [D]love, fare you well
Oh, whisky you’re the devil
you’re [G]leading me [D]astray
Over hills and [Bm]mountains
and [Em]to Ameri[A]cay
you’re [D]sweeter, stronger, [D7]decenter
You’re [G]spunkier than [Bm]tay
Oh [D]whisky you’re my [Bm]darling drunk or [A7]sob[D]er[/chordsandlyrics]
Chord Converter
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Come on brave boys we’re on for marching
First for France and then for Spain
While canons roar and men are dying
March brave boys there’s no denying
Love, fare you well
I think I hear the colonel crying
“March brave boys there’s no denying
Colours flying, drums a-beating
March brave boys there’s no retreating.”
Love, fare you well
The mother cries “Oh do not wrong me
Do not take my daughter from me
For if you do I will torment you
And after death my ghost will haunt you.”
Love, fare you well
Molly dear do not grieve for me
I’m off to fight for Ireland’s glory
If we love we’ll be victorious
If we die our souls are glorious
Love, fare you well
Lyrics and Chords
Whiskey You’re the Devil lyrics and chords print version
Oh [D]now brave boys we’re on the march
And [Em]off to Portugal and Spain
The [D]drums are beating, [Bm]banners high
The [Em]divil a home will [A]come tonight
Oh [D]love, fare you well
Oh, whisky you’re the devil
you’re [G]leading me [D]astray
Over hills and [Bm]mountains
and [Em]to Ameri[A]cay
you’re [D]sweeter, stronger, [D7]decenter
You’re [G]spunkier than [Bm]tay
Oh [D]whisky you’re my [Bm]darling drunk or [A7]sob[D]er
Come on brave boys we’re on for marching
First for France and then for Spain
While canons roar and men are dying
March brave boys there’s no denying
Love, fare you well
I think I hear the colonel crying
“March brave boys there’s no denying
Colours flying, drums a-beating
March brave boys there’s no retreating.”
Love, fare you well
The mother cries “Oh do not wrong me
Do not take my daughter from me
For if you do I will torment you
And after death my ghost will haunt you.”
Love, fare you well
Molly dear do not grieve for me
I’m off to fight for Ireland’s glory
If we love we’ll be victorious
If we die our souls are glorious
Love, fare you well
Lyrics and Chords