The chords to The Wren Boy’s Song presented here in the key of F major. Use our chord converter to play the song in other keys. The lyrics are about an ancient Irish tradition of catching a wren and parading it around the town begging for pennies.
[F]The wren, the wren, the [C7]king of all the birds
On [F]Stephen’s Day was [C7]caught in a furze
[F]Though he was little, his [C7]honour was great
So [F]give us a [Bb]penny to [C7]give us a [F]treat.
My box would speak if it had a tongue
And two or three coppers can do it no wrong
Sing holly, sing ivy, sing ivy, sing holly
A drop just to drink it would drown melancholy.
And if you draw it of the best
I hope in heaven your soul may rest
But if you draw it of the small
I won’t agree with the Wrenboys at all.
Chord Converter
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Missus you’re a very fine woman
A very fine woman, a very fine woman
Missus you’re a very fine woman
You gave us a penny to bury the wren.
The Wren Boy’s Song videos
The Wren Boy’s Song lyrics and chords
The Wren Boy’s Song lyrics and chords print version
[F]The wren, the wren, the [C7]king of all the birds
On [F]Stephen’s Day was [C7]caught in a furze
[F]Though he was little, his [C7]honour was great
So [F]give us a [Bb]penny to [C7]give us a [F]treat.
My box would speak if it had a tongue
And two or three coppers can do it no wrong
Sing holly, sing ivy, sing ivy, sing holly
A drop just to drink it would drown melancholy.
And if you draw it of the best
I hope in heaven your soul may rest
But if you draw it of the small
I won’t agree with the Wrenboys at all.
Missus you’re a very fine woman
A very fine woman, a very fine woman
Missus you’re a very fine woman
You gave us a penny to bury the wren.
The Wren Boy’s Song videos
The Wren Boy’s Song lyrics and chords